Ted Williams, homeless man with a golden voice

"Ted Williams, homeless man with a golden voice" when we all saw this video on Youtube we were all amazed of his voice and the talent and sadden at the same time that he was were he was. But he shared his story with us and how has has been off of drugs for the last 2 years this was awesome news to all of us. And right now we all of Ted Williams fever because he has become inspiration to a lot of people, who might have said there is no hope but because of everyone who saw that video and the man who posted it Ted has been given a second chance to life.
And as you can see in all of his interviews he is like a little kid in a candy store he is filled with so much joy he just jumps up and down in his seat with excitement.

We have all fallen in love with Ted and his story and wish him much success that this second time around he will not lose sight and he shows it and we all pray that it continues to be this way. As a lot of us have at one time or another given a homeless person some money and said yup they will use it for drugs or to buy a drink we should hold back on that a bit and see that maybe not and then again maybe they will but no matter what just give if you can. 

But as you can see how he gives God all the glory and thanks God for giving him another chance whatever belief you have you have to see how humbled he has become and how he has no shame in sharing with the world as rightly so. How many times haven't we all walked by a homeless person and said what a waste and even some that have been found dead or murder by others. This story touches us all because Ted was able to make it because someone saw in him his talent and is gift and was willing to share it with others. We thank this man for doing all that he has done for ted and ask God to bless him.

We were all so happy to see him reunite with his mother and as you see him approach her an call her mommie, in front of the world like a lost child how has come back home. To the comforting arms of his mother, and as he humbles himself at her side by knelling by her and saying mommie you were right and I am sorry but I am better. 


Brings tears to your eyes to see this man just brake down in front of the world and show how he knows that he put himself in the circumstances that he was in. And how it took him so long to get out of it, but is willing to share is story with-out shame of any kind. We look forwarding to seeing more of Ted as he reunites with the rest of the family.

"Personal note: Hey Ted we all love you and pray for you and the young man who has helped you and may the God of your understanding guide you always in your new life. Not everyone may agree with this second chance he is getting, but he has gotten it and we are all wishing he does better the second time around.

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